


Quality Over Quantity

Quality Over Quantity



“Quality over quantity.” Those are the words that my ​father instilled into me as a young boy. “Do everything ​right the first time to ensure you don’t have to do it ​again.” Another valuable lesson he ingrained in me was ​to purchase quality materials that will last rather than ​buying lesser materials that I would have to replace ​more frequently. This wisdom I also try to convey to my ​own three boys. Quality work, with quality equipment is ​what I strive for.

Welcome to Lone Wolf Quality H.V.A.C (LLC). My name ​is Jake Baker - founder, owner, and sole H.V.A.C service ​tech / installer for your home’s heating and air ​conditioning needs. With 10 years of experience in the ​field, I created Lone Wolf Quality H.V.A.C with the ​vision of being able to provide lower heating and air ​conditioning costs for the average household in ​Minnesota. I am able to price at a more affordable rate ​being solitary - ergo, Lone Wolf. I simply have less ​overhead costs than the competition. I am forever ​endeavoring towards efficiency, while obtaining quality ​workmanship.

Residential H.V.A.C Services

* Furnaces

- Service

- Repairs

- Inspections

- Installations

- Maintenance

* Air conditioners

- service

- Repairs

- Inspections

- Installations

- Maintenance

* Duct work modification

- Plenums / transitions

- Basement supplies and returns

- Remodels

* Air exchangers

- Service

- Repairs

- Installations

* Humidifiers

- Service

- Repairs

- Installations

"Lone Wolf Quality H.V.A.C will never ​be the CHEAPEST, however, I may just ​be the most AFFORDABLE! Let me ​help YOU with your HVAC needs!”

Jake Baker

| owner